Sunday, February 21, 2016

NASPA Region VI Job Search: Rise Above the Competition


Spring 2016


The NASPA Region VI Job Search: Rise Above the Competition conference was held on February 12, 2016.  It brought together student affairs professionals, para-professionals and those interested in the field to network and for those who are in the process of job searching to learn from various professionals in the field to help them navigate the process.  The conference offered four sessions that covered various topics from negotiating and networking to institutional fit and a career in the community colleges.

Learning Outcomes:

SWiBAT apply the information and advice they received to help them with their job search

SWiBAT practice networking with student affairs graduate students on other campuses and with student affairs professionals

Assessment Rubric:

Needs Improvement
SLO #1
Student was able to identify sessions that pertains to their service area interests and job search.  Student was able to relate with the content and apply the advice given by the presenters.  Student also took the opportunity to introduce themselves to the presenters to network.
Student was able to identify sessions that pertains to their service area interests and job search.  Student was able to relate with the content and apply the advice given by the presenters.
Student was able to identify sessions that pertains to their service area interests and job search.  Student was able to relate with the presentations.
Student was able to identify sessions that pertains to their service area interests and job search.  However, student was unable to relate with the presentations.
SLO #2
Student practiced networking with student affairs graduate students on other campuses and student affairs professionals.  Student exchanged information with other students and professionals.  Student also took the time to ask about the person there are conversing with.
Student practiced networking with student affairs graduate students on other campuses and student affairs professionals.  Student exchanged information with other students and professionals.
Student practiced networking with student affairs graduate students on other campuses and student affairs professionals.
Student practiced networking with student affairs graduate students on other campuses but did not network with student affairs professionals.



I am really glad that I decided to attend the conference. I received really good advice from seasoned student affairs professionals who have gone through what I am going through. I was intentional in picking the presentations I wanted to go to.  For session #1, I chose to learn more about negotiating because I need to be able to advocate for myself better in the workplace and really get a good sense of the worth of my work, my experiences, and the skills and knowledge that I would be bringing to my potential position.  I was great to hear from Dr. Martha Enciso and Dr. Vincent Vigil.  They were very honest and shared their own experiences in negotiating salary.  They recommended that we do our research on the institution we would like to work for.  They also spoke about knowing the appropriate time to negotiate and what to consider (professional development, moving expenses, standards of living, rent, transportation, etc.).  It was really helpful.  Learning about networking was something that I need more work on.  Being an introvert, it really takes a lot out of me to be out there and socialize with many people. Brianne Wada’s presentation was very impactful for me because she pointed out how our cultural backgrounds impact how we network.  It was something I was aware of but to talk about it was really helpful to think about ways to strategize yet still stay authentic.  I could relate to her story of being raised in a culture that discourages tooting your own horn.  I think her advice on reframing it as confidence rather than bragging is something I could apply to myself.  I also learned to stop worrying about being perfect.  I find that my anxiety worsens when I overthink about how to perfectly introduce myself to others.  Dr. Kandy Mink Salas’ presentation on institutional fit was also a great reminder of being intentional in my search for a position.  As Dr. Mink Salas indicated many new student affairs professionals get desperate and take the first job offered, without considering the culture of the campus.  I would place myself as one of those individuals.  She really made me think about being intentional in my search.  I would love to work in a California Community College and hearing from Dr. Dyrell Foster was very helpful in customizing my resume and cover letter to get noticed by community college human resources and administrators.  It was also very helpful that Dr. Foster went through the interview process and what to expect. I really learned a lot from the conference and I came out with knowledge that I could apply to my job search. I would give myself a Competent for SLO #1.

The conference was very informative, but it was also a great opportunity for me to network with other student affairs students and professionals.  At the beginning, I did not really feel like interacting.  I think the sessions helped because they asked us to speak to one another.  I was able to meet new and potential graduate students from different campuses, and I actually enjoyed speaking about myself and the work that I have done.  I was also great to hear what drove them to go into student affairs.  It was interesting that I am now giving advice to the next cohort or the ones about to start their journey. It was great connecting with them. I was able to speak to a few student affairs professionals, but most of them were individuals I already knew. I think I was still intimidated meeting new professionals. It is something I have improved on but need to continue working on.  I tried to speak to Dr. Foster but the line to speak to him got very long quickly. However, I will reach out to him via email.  He actually encouraged us to reach out to him if we have more questions about working in community colleges.  I will be reaching out to him soon.  I feel that I should have put more effort in networking and exchanging information. For this reason, I would give myself a Basic for SLO #2.